
FOOD SEC<\/span> & TECH ISRAEL<\/h1><\/div>

The Global Food Security & Nutritional Resilience Conference
\nFood Tech, Agri Tech, Nutri Tech<\/p><\/h2><\/div>

From Innovation to Action<\/em><\/strong><\/span><\/p><\/h3><\/div>

October 29-30, 2024 | Sapir College<\/span><\/p><\/h3><\/div><\/div><\/div>

FOR DETAILS REGISTER HERE<\/span><\/a><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>

In collaboration with:<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>


FOOD SEC & TECH IL CONFERENCE<\/strong><\/span><\/p><\/h3><\/div>

The Global Conference on Food Security<\/strong> will be held this year amidst the major crisis facing the State of Israel and the tangible threat to the country’s food independence.<\/p>\n

Food Security directly impacts National Security<\/strong> across many aspects: health, national resilience, economy, environment, settlement, employment, an growth. Food security and nutritional resilience also encompass dietary habits, food consumption culture, food loss prevention, improving agricultural interfaces and technology, and promoting local and renewable agriculture. Proper use of natural resources, land, water sustainability, climate, land utilization, energy, and more.<\/p>\n<\/div>


PURPOSE OF THE CONFERENCE<\/strong><\/span><\/p><\/h3><\/div>

The goal of the conference is to conduct a multidisciplinary discussion to formulate a national strategic plan for food security. All stakeholders in the field will participate in the conference, highlighting the appropriate methods, means, approaches, and solutions for immediate, significant, and effective action in advancing food security in Israel.<\/p>\n<\/div>


The discussions will focus on technological innovation, targeted investments, budgets for research, development and implementation, execution strategy, and multidisciplinary cooperation.<\/p>\n

Food-Tech, Agri-Tech, and related fields (environment, sustainability, biotechnology, nutrition, health, and medicine) are designed to provide solutions to the global issue of food security. This industry strives to improve food security metrics both in Israel and worldwide in a qualitative, efficient, and sustainable manner.<\/p>\n<\/div>


Eyal Shimoni, PhD
\nConference Chair<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>

Senior Research Fellow in the Samuel Neaman Inst for National Policy, leading the “Israel Food Security 2050” initiative.\u00a0Senior R&D, Tech and Food-Tech expert, Board member, Venture partner, Advisor, Consultant, & Mentor of startups.\u00a0EIRMA’s “European CTO of the year” awardee in 2017. Established,\u00a0“The Kitchen FoodTech hub” as well as\u00a0the EIT Food Accelerators Network (FAN). Chaired the Israeli Food IoT – Big Data consortia. Board member of the Helath\u00a0Tech Valley, leading the NutritionTech.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>


CONFERENCE TOPICS<\/strong><\/span><\/p><\/h3><\/div>

Food Security = National Security<\/strong>. Food security is a fundamental component of national security.<\/p>\n

National Food Security Index<\/strong>. New and resilient food systems.<\/p>\n

Global Food Security Models<\/strong><\/p>\n

Technological Innovation<\/strong> – The significant component in food security \u2013 Food Tech, Agro Tech, Nutri Tech, Medi-Food.<\/p>\n

Israel’s Food Reserves \/ Emergency Stockpiles<\/strong><\/p>\n

The Food Industry<\/strong>: Challenges, opportunities, and required assistance (time test, production costs, raw materials, public demand, variety, competition, future of traditional food items, allocation of production lines for innovation).<\/p>\n

Academia, Industry, Innovation<\/strong>: Required synergy, feedback, joint activities.<\/p>\n

Economy and Food Security<\/strong>: Economic and innovative models in the food sector, bioeconomy, sustainable business concept, radical\/economic tools for changing the global food chain, cost of living incentive for the Food Tech industry.<\/p>\n

Joint Ventures<\/strong>: Industry, academia, and startup companies.<\/p>\n

Local Production and Globalization<\/strong>: Control of international\/foreign entities over food corporations and supply chains, nutritional independence, international cooperation, and global food security agreements.<\/p>\n

Food Sovereignty<\/strong>, Nutritional Justice, Food Security in Uncertain Conditions.<\/p>\n

Food Waste Prevention<\/strong>, Circular Economy, Recycling<\/p>\n

\u201cRedesigning the Plate”: <\/strong>Levers for changing food consumption, education on food consumption based on food security characteristics, food consumption culture and nutrition, sustainability cuisine, health, food as medicine, Healthy Choice = Easy Choice, Novel Food.<\/p>\n

Agriculture as a National Project<\/strong>: Integrating technologies, national strategy in collaboration with the community, programs to encourage young farmers (training, academic studies, support, and grants, integrating innovation).<\/p>\n

Encouraging Automation and Digitization in Agriculture<\/strong>: Improving the economic capabilities of farmers and the industry.<\/p>\n

AI and the Food Industry<\/strong>: Food security and artificial intelligence, digitization, Big Data.<\/p>\n

Deep-Tech<\/strong>: Food security, job security, growth, export, development.<\/p>\n

The Future Shock \u2013 Futurism<\/strong>: Expert assessments, the future of the food technologist profession.<\/p>\n

Side Events<\/u><\/strong>:<\/p>\n

Food Sec & Tech Exhibition<\/strong>: Display of technologies, developments, new food, agriculture.<\/p>\n

Grants Competition<\/strong> for Entrepreneurship and Developments: Companies, incubators, accelerators, students, and academia.<\/p>\n<\/div>



Industry<\/td>\nInstitutions and Organizations<\/td>\nDeserTech<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Academia<\/td>\nGovernment Ministries and National Authorities<\/td>\nRenewable Energy<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Food Technologies<\/td>\nDevelopment and Investments<\/td>\nFood Consumption Culture and Proper Nutrition<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Agriculture<\/td>\nInternational Cooperation<\/td>\nEnvironmental Culture<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Climate and Environment<\/td>\nLocal\/Renewable Agriculture<\/td>\nGreen Thinking<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Entrepreneurship<\/td>\nSupply Chains<\/td>\nFood Waste Reduction<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Private and Public Investors<\/td>\nTransformation of Food Systems<\/td>\nEnabling Regulation<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
<\/td>\nAlternatives to Natural Resources<\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>